A) 软硬程度:当接触到相对坚硬或柔软之物,例如黏土或者沙粒,都能通过改变握紧方式来反馈。当感觉到突然变得极其光滑,那很可能就是某种矿石; B) 温度差异:温暖的湿润土壤往往意味着有机物存在。而冷却区域常会提示着空穴或者含水层所在位置; C) 湿度变化:若遇到瞬间潮湿,这代表潜伏着地下水源,有助于进一步研究该区段内是否具备灌溉条件等功能。
Mental preparation is as important as physical technique. Before starting the process, take a moment to clear your mind and focus on what you are trying to discover below the surface. Visualization techniques can help in this regard; imagining yourself successfully feeling different textures or weights beneath your fingers will mentally prepare you for actual exploration.
Keeing field notes throughout each session proves invaluable later during analysis. Taking detailed accounts of soil types encountered, any unique sensations felt within various layers, or even environmental factors such as temperature at certain depths enhances overall understanding when returning from an exploratory outing.
If desired results remain elusive after multiple attempts using only hands alone consider incorporating supplemental tools into practice – items like small trowels diggers could assist greatly by loosening compacted surfaces allowing easier access further downwards!
关注话题:- 地下水资源管理- 考古挖掘中的新技术- 环境监测的重要性